Monday, 21 April 2014

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Big Will • Little Will

Last week was a tale of two Wills. Newbie “Big Will” had an impressive debut. Only losing 4 of his 9 games he managed to produce some excellent moves and scored 2 cracking goals. Not bad for someone who hadn’t played before.

Will “Crappy Foot” showed us how to do defence. He seemed to be able to stop every shot. Shouts of “Great block Will”, “Excellent defence”, “I can’t get past him” and “Just let me ‘f*****g score” resounded round the court. It just goes to show that you don’t have to be prolific goal scorer to reach the top. Well done will on your first #1 spot.
Praise should also go to Andy “Gandhi” who is one of our more attacking players. He was only just kept from top spot on goal difference. Well done Andy.
Two players with two different styles but two great results.

Last week was one of the rare sessions where everyone scored at least one goal. Nick “The Shouty One”, Dean “Double Dean” and Kol “ The Statsman” all shared top place scoring 10 goals each. An impressive 51 goals were scored on the day. That’s an average of 4.25 goals per game. Very impressive boys and girls.

Big Red gave us a master class in wheel trueing. I’m not sure if that is how you are supposed to do it but it was certainly interesting to watch.

And finally. We did miss “Young Jack” last week... no honestly... we did.... really. Dean had no-one to shout at and Kol found it very difficult to read out the teams without him in the background asking if he wanted a Jaffa cake.

Only 2 sessions left of the season and anything could happen.... So let’s play polo!

Monday, 14 April 2014

Mix It Up Sunday 13th April 2014

Another great day Well done Will. Possibly the best defender at HBP.

The Results

The Goal Scorers

The Games

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Didn't Dean Do Well

Dean “Double Dean” Dent did do very very well last week. He won 7, drew 1 on only lost 1. He came second in the days goal scores too getting 8 goals. Only beaten by Nick with his 10 goals. It’s an epic battle for Dean to get back up to his favourite #4 spot in the ranking but a few more results like this could soon see him getting up there. If he continues to perform like this we may have to change his name to “Dean The Destroyer”. 
“Young Jack” had a disastrous session last week. A puncture early in the session saw him having to borrow bikes for the remaining games. This was not too his advantage and he ended up only winning 2 out of his 9 games. Bad luck Jack.

With only 3 weeks left of the Spring Season Nick is looking comfortable at the top of the table with a 28 point lead over Kol in second place. He’s not safe yet as anything could happen over the next few weeks. The battle for second place is going to  be epic. Only 3 points separate Kol, Big Red and Andy “Gandhi” in 2nd, 3rd and 4th places. It’s going to be a classic end to the season.


Sunday, 6 April 2014

Mix It Up Sunday 6th April 2014

Another great session. Well done Dean.

The Results

The Goal Scorers

The Games

Mr Roger - “The One and Only”

Mr Roger was definitely “the one and only” last week. The “one and only” player who doesn’t use Facepest so therefore “the one and only” who didn’t see that the session had been cancelled. Although he was “the one and only” person to turn up it does sound like he had a good playing with himself and slapping his ball against the wall.

Coincidentally on the same day back in 1991 Chesney Hawkes was starting his second week at number 1 in the UK charts with classic one hit wonder “The One and Only”.  The song spent 5 weeks at #1. Let’s hope that Mr Roger only spends one week as “The One and Only”.

It looks like the rain may hold off for today’s session and hopefully we will have more than one player this week.